Geolife's Indian Market Products


Botanical Extraction Technology

Vigore-F.S - It improves photosynthesis and help to uptake nutrient - Geolife

Fruit Special

Vigore - F.S 

  • Vigore Fruit Special is an advanced product that helps to growth of plant by imparting of Biostimulator effect to increase fruit size, develops uniform color, texture & taste.
  • It enhances the size, quality & shelf life of fruits. 
  • It improves photosynthesis and help to uptake nutrient various parts of the plant.
  • Contents- Amino acid

Benefits :

  • Develops uniform and highly gradable fruits

  • Improves sugar tranlocation in plants

  • Helps to optimize size & weight of fruits

  • Improves superior taste, colour and quality with faster maturity of fruits

In Which Crop I Can Use It ? 

All crops (vegetables, Flowers, cereals, pulses, fruits, spices)

On Which Crop Stage It Can Be Applied ?

Fruiting stage 

What Are The Dosage ?

500 ml/acre - Foliar Application

Which Application It Can Go With ?

Foliar Application

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Innovations for Better Life

Geolife Agritech India Pvt. Ltd.

Making Safe Food, A Reality


+91 22 – 61215005
301 Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund-W
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080

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