Geolife's Global Market Products

Multi functional Biostimulants

Microbial Extract based plant tonic 

 Microbial Extract based plant tonic


Foster boosts crop yield and resilience, enhances nutrient absorption, strengthens roots, and improves produce quality, shelf life, and stress tolerance.

Mode of Action :

  • Stress Tolerance: Boosts the plant's natural resilience against biotic and abiotic stresses.

  • Expression of Stress-Response Genes: Triggers the activation of genes that are responsible for the plant's stress response mechanisms.

  • phytohormones production: Stimulates the production of phytohormones, which play key roles in plant growth, development, and stress adaptation.

  • Stress Tolerance: Increases plant resilience to drought and environmental stress.

  • Production of Stress-Related Metabolites: Promotes the synthesis of various metabolites that help protect the plant under stress conditions.

    Benefits :

  • Improves the Color and Quality of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers: Improves the appearance, quantity and nutritional quality of crops.

  • Accelerates Metabolic Processes: Speeds up various biochemical processes in plants, such as photosynthesis, nutrient assimilation, etc contributing to faster growth and better overall plant health.

  • Addresses Vitamin Deficiency and Aids in Flower Drop: Helps to correct vitamin deficiencies in plants, promoting proper development and reduces flower drop ensuring better fruit setting.

  • Builds Stress resilience: Helps plants to become more resilient to environmental stresses.

  • Promotes Nutrient Absorption and Stronger Root System: Increases efficiency of nutrient uptake and promote better root development.

  • Increases Plant Strength to Face Adverse Weather: By improving the plant's structural integrity and health, it helps plants to endure extreme weather conditions

  • Safe for Humans, Animals, and the Environment: It is organic and free from harmful chemicals, making them safe to the environment.

On Which Crop & Stage It Can Be Applied ?

Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Rice Foliar Vegetative stage
Corn Foliar Vegetative stage
Wheat Foliar Tillering / Booting stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Chickpeas Foliar Vegetative/ Flowering stage
Pea Foliar Vegetative/ Flowering stage
Soybean Foliar Vegetative/ Flowering stage
Groundnut Foliar Vegetative/ Flowering stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Cotton Foliar Vegetative/ Square Formation stage
In Which Crop I Can Use It ? 

All crops (vegetables, cereals, pulses, fruits)

On Which Crop Stage It Can Be Applied ?

Suitable for all crop growth stages

What Are The Dosage ?

Foliar application – 25 ml per acre / 62.5 ml per hectare

Which Application It Can Go With ?

Foliar application

Technical Documentation

Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS / SDS)

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Flow chart (FC)

Certificate of Composition (COC)

Organic Certificate


Trial Results

Crop Name : Brinjal
Location : Palaskheda, Tal-Jamner Dist-Jalgaon
Application : Foliar Application
Result : The total yield percentage increase over control, averaged across all observed parameters, is approximately 39.50% after use of Foster.



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      Making Safe Food, A Reality


301 Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund-W Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080

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