Organic Nutrients
35% Organic Carbon
Mode of Action :
Carbon Stone acts as a carbon source for the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. These microorganisms makes complex insoluble nutrients in an available form for the plant. Also activated carbon acts as a precursor for the various growth-promoting enzymes that are produced by microorganisms. Carbon Stone due to its high CEC makes complex nutrients available to plants. Carbon Stone increases the organic matter in the soil increasing soil water holding capacity.
Provides available form of organic carbon
Acts as food for microbes
Multiplies beneficial microbes in soil
Improves soil fertility and productivity of crop
Increases soil available essential nutrients
Helps to promote vigorous plant growth
All crops (vegetables, Flowers, cereals, pulses, fruits, spices)
Basal fertilizer Dose
1-2 kg/acre
Soil application & Fertigation
Innovations for Better Life