Geolife's Global Market Products

Microbial Biofertilizer Consortium

Microbial Biofertilizer Consortium

Foliar Biofertilizer


An innovative gang of 11 intelligent endophytic bacteria designed to nurture your plants from the inside out!

Mode of Action :

  • Endophytic Allies: Bacterial endophytes colonize plant tissues, stimulating various plant processes.

  • Nutrient Cycling: Promotes nitrogen fixation, IAA production, and zinc mobilization,

  • Stress Defense: Activates metabolic pathways to combat abiotic and biotic stresses.

  • Nitrogen Fixers: Promote nitrogen fixation for better growth.

  • Plant growth promotion: Stimulates production of plant growth promoters like IAA.

  • Pathogen Resistance: Induces HCN and hydrolytic enzymes for strong pathogen defense.

    Benefits :

  • Nutrient Powerhouse: Supplies N and Zn to boost growth & yield.

  • Immunity Booster: Secretes secondary metabolites, organic acids, siderophores, and antibiotics to protect against diseases.

  • Plant Growth Regulation: Secretes IAA to regulate cell expansion, root initiation, and flower growth.

  • Growth Promotion: Enhances germination, biomass, leaf area, chlorophyll content, and overall yield.

  • Root & Water Optimizer: Modifies root morphology, improves osmotic adjustment, & regulates stomatal function. 

On Which Crop & Stage It Can Be Applied ?

Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Rice Foliar Vegetative/ Tillering stage
Corn Foliar Vegetative stage
Wheat Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Chickpeas Foliar Vegetative stage
Pea Foliar Vegetative stage
Soybean Foliar Vegetative stage
Groundnut Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Cotton Foliar Vegetative stage
Sugarcane Foliar Vegetative stage
Tobacco Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Tomato Foliar Vegetative stage
Brinjal/ Eggplant Foliar Vegetative stage
Bell Pepper / Chilli Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Potato / Sweet Potato Foliar Vegetative stage
Cassava / Yams Foliar Vegetative stage
Ginger / Turmeric Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Spinach / Kale / Fenugreek / Amaranth / Celery / Coriander Foliar Vegetative stage
Lettuce / Cabbage / Cauliflower Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Rose / Jasmine Foliar Vegetative stage
Gladiolus / Gerbera Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Pineapple Foliar Vegetative stage
Banana Foliar Vegetative stage
Coconut / Arecanut Foliar Vegetative stage
Mango Foliar Vegetative stage
Oil palm / Dates Foliar Vegetative stage
Berries Foliar Vegetative stage
Citrus Foliar Vegetative stage
Grapes Foliar Vegetative stage
Pomegranate Foliar Vegetative stage
Jackfruit / Durian Foliar Vegetative stage
Papaya Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Lucerne / Berseem / Alfalfa / Napier / Para grass Foliar Vegetative stage
Crop Application Method Crop Stage
Spinach / Kale / Fenugreek / Amaranth / Celery / Coriander Foliar Vegetative stage
Lettuce / Cabbage / Cauliflower Foliar Vegetative stage
What Are The Dosage ?

Foliar application – 500 ml per acre / 1.25 liter per hectare

Which Application It Can Go With ?

Foliar application

Technical Documentation

Certificate of Analysis (COA)

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS / SDS)

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Free sale certificate

In house lab analysis reports

Trial reports (Field/Lab)



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Geolife Agritech India Pvt. Ltd.

      Making Safe Food, A Reality


301 Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund-W Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080

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