Residue free innovative immunity booster against pathogen
Broad Spectrum Antioxidant
Mode of Action :
Treat activates the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) in plants which defends the infection against fungus as well as it triggers defence mechanisms building plant immunity. As well as recovers the plant from disease stress.
Develops Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) against fungal pathogens
Provides nutrients for better plant immunity
Quick recovery of crop after disease control.
Provides resistance against abiotic stress
All crops (vegetables, Flowers, cereals, pulses, fruits, spices)
Vegetative, Flowering and Fruiting stage
0.5-1 gm /litre of water - Foliar Application
150-200 gm/acre - Drip/Drenching
Drip/Dreching or Foliar Application
Innovations for Better Life