
Poshan Yukt.. Vish mukt.. Satvik Ann

Amazing Features of Satvik Kheti by Geolife!

Geolife Helps farmers to grow High Nutritious.. Poison free.. Satvik Food.
( Poshan Yukt.. Vish mukt.. Satvik Ann)  

Nutrition-Based Food : The basis of all Human Health and also the well-being of the ecosystem - Food. Which is why enhancing the food we consume with essential nutrients is the need of the hour!
Poison-Free Food : The produce from fields which makes it's way to our plate is heavily compromised with harmful chemicals in today's world. Which is why our main objective is to enable farmers to grow Poison-Free yields!
Satvik Food : It is a proven fact since the agricultural practices of ancient India that positive vibes are capable of enhancing the quality and contents of the Crop, Food and ultimately nurtures our body and mind accordingly. Consuming Satvik Food is beneficial to us humans both individually and also on the community level!

All new products developed are tested by
Geolife Research Farm by Doing Invitro & Invivo efficiency trials before commercializing
Geolife Manufacturing Facility

Geolife Agritech India Pvt. Ltd.

     Making Safe Food, A Reality


301 Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund-W Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080

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