Product to Use : Vigore Raja 250 gm per acre through Soil application (Repeat after 2-3 Months) Benefits : Improves mobilization of micronutrients in soil. Maximizes growth of white root and uptake of nutrients from soil. Provides resistance against water stress during dry period.
OR Product to Use : Bactogang 500 ml per acre through Drip Or Drenching (Repeat after 2-3 Months) Benefits : Solubilizes and mobilizes all nutrients and makes them available to plants. Sustains Soil health by decomposing plant residues and by stabilizing major nutrients. Improves microbial population in soil.
At Flowering Stage 15-20 Days
Stage 2
Product to Use :
Vigore 1 gm + Balance Nano 50 gm / liter water + Nano Fert 17-44-00 200 gm per liter of water(Per Acre) through foliar spray. (Repeat After 6 Months)
Benefits :
Nano Vigore helps in inducing new flowers & ensures maximum flower growth. It helps in transformation of plant from vegetative to reproductive stage. Balance Nano helps to fulfill the nutrient hunger of plants and it's special technology helps in reducing flower drop.
Nano fert (00-00-50) 200 gm/150- 200 lit of water(Per Acre) through foliar spray
(Repeat after 15 days Interval)
Benefits :
It helps for increasing fruit size to the optimum level. It also maintains uniformity of size with top most quality and taste. It thickens the cell wall and improves shelf life. Natural Cab prevents cracking and rotting fruits.
Crop protection spray
INSECT Pest Management
Product to Use : Cylinder 100 gm per acre through foliar spray OR Memsaab 1-1.5 ml /lit of water through foliar spray
Benefits : Controls ranges of larvae by immediate paralysis on ingestion.
Feeding activity of larvae stops immediately and it dies due to starvation. Penetrates into foliage by translaminar action. __________________________________________________ Product to Use : Geoneem 10,000 PPM - 1-2ml/lit of water through foliar spray Benefits : Effectively controls sucking and chewing pest including mites. Inhibiting the metamorphosis of insects. Deterring feeding behavior of insects
DISEASE Management
DISEASE : For fungal DISEASE Product to Use : RecoverNutri 0.5 - 1 gm /lit of water through foliar spray (Repeat after 10-15 Days) Benefits : Improves immunity of plants against fungal disease. It also develops systemic acquired resistance against Fungal pathogen. It helps the plant to recover faster from stress after disease control
OR DISEASE : For Bacterial DISEASE Product to Use :Geomycin 0.5 gm - 1 gm per lit of water through foliar spray (Repeat after10-15 Days)
Benefits : It improves immunity in plants and develops resistance against bacterial diseases. It helps the plant to recover faster from stress after disease control.