Geolife's Products

Increases soil fertility & helps in water holding capacity

Organic Nutrients & Plant Protection 

Microbial Biofertilizer


Bactogang is a unique formulation containing different live microbe consortia & microbial extracts.

Bactogang consists of following different microbe species: Nitrogen- Fixing Bacteria (Three Species)
  • Rhizobium
    The bacteria colonize plant cells within root nodules where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds. Which gives better plant growth. 
  • Azotobacter
    Binds atmospheric nitrogen, which is inaccessible to plants, and releases it in the form of ammonium ions into the soil. Which increases better availability of nitrogen to plants
  • Azospirillum
    It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in non-symbiotic manner that can replace 50-90% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants & minimize
  • Phosphate solubilizing Bacteria (PSB)
    PSB strains are associated with the release of low molecular weight organic acids & their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups chelate the cations bound of phosphate, thereby converting it into soluble forms. Which gives better quality & yield of crop
  • Potash solubilizing Bacteria(KSB)
    KSB dissolves silicate minerals & releases potassium through the production of organic & inorganic acid. Which improves the plant vigor & disease resistance 
  • What is Code Editor?
    This extension allows editing the code of block in the app. Also, it's possible to add code to the head and body parts of pages.
In which plants I can use it? 

All types of plants

On which stage it can be applied ?

Initial Growth Stage

What is the dosage? 

30 ml / 15 liter water with Vigore Raja 15 gm and drench it in roots

Which application it can go with

Soil Application

Innovations for Better Life

Geolife Agritech India Pvt. Ltd.

Making Safe Food, A Reality


+91 22 – 61215005
301 Marathon Max, LBS Marg, Mulund-W
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India – 400 080

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